Our Services

The temple provides spiritual guidance, meditation sessions, rituals, and free Sunday lunches, fostering community and inner peace for all.

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The Dharma Transcends Worldly Perceptions

The Buddha taught that every being possesses inherent wisdom, but delusions prevent them from recognizing it. Helping people awaken their wisdom is an important responsibility for Buddhists. We can assist you.

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Vajrayana Practice

We conduct group practice on Sundays. You will learn to recite mantras, meditation and Dharma lecture.
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Buddha Dharma

Our certified English Dharma Instructor provide dharma sharing on every Sunday morning for the beginners.

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Taking Refuge

Taking refuge in Buddhism is a crucial practice for those who aspire to follow the Buddhist path.

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We holds a legally valid and qualified license by our master to conduct wedding ceremonies for newlyweds in the temple.

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We offer recitation of scriptures for the deceased, so that they can hear the Dharma and pass away peacefully.

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A Cemetery located at Evergreen memorial Park for deceased to rest in peace in beautiful grassland acreage with good geomancy laid out.

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Ancestral Merit Hall

Ancester tablets are designed for deceased love ones, family members or ancestors to receive daily sutra chanting and offering by master to acquire blessings of salvation to pure land.

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Peace and harmony Columbarium has designed for the deceased ashes to be placed with daily Sutra chanting and offering by master to receive blessings of salvation to pure land.

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Fetus Spirits

Fetus tablets are designed for miscarriages and abortions spirits to receive daily sutra chanting and offering by master in order to eliminate hatred and anger and to receive blessings of salvation to pure land. It’s mother would receive good health in return.

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Free Food

Every Sunday at 1 PM, the temple offers a free lunch, welcoming all to join. This weekly event fosters community and provides support through nutritious, lovingly prepared meals. Experience the warmth and generosity of our temple, and enjoy a meal that nourishes both body and soul.


We integrate the Dharma into society, awakening individuals’ inherent wisdom and guiding them toward enlightenment and inner peace.

Visit Us

Group Exchanges

Every year, academic institutions and religious groups from various places visit to pay homage, explore Buddhism’s profound teachings, and engage in group exchanges, fostering mutual understanding and spiritual growth.

School visit
Church members visit

Have any questions?

Feel free to contact us
(780) 423-0447