Chinese New Year 2024

The Year of Dragon

The year 2024 is a leap year in the Gregorian calendar, with 366 days. It is the year of Jia Chen (甲辰) in the Chinese lunar calendar (Year of the Dragon), with no intercalary month, totaling 354 days.

2024 is the year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac, and some people believe that those born in the Year of the Dragon often exhibit fearless courage and determination. They are known to maintain a positive attitude in the face of difficulties and challenges, moving forward with bravery.

Naturally endowed with outstanding intelligence and observational skills, they can quickly grasp the essence of problems and find solutions.


Blessing 1
Blessing 2
Blessing 3
Blessing 4
Blessing 5

Including: Ceremonial Script, Repentance Pot, Light Offering, a Lotus, Offerings

Including: Ceremonial Script, Repentance Pot, Light Offering, a Lotus, Offerings

Annual Deity

To pray for blessings and safety for oneself and one’s family, seeking smooth journeys and success in all matters.



Fortune and Prospects 2024

As we enter the new year, the fortunes of each zodiac sign will encounter challenges, as the saying goes, “some families rejoice while others worry.” For those born in the Year of the Dragon, 2024 is their zodiac year, influenced by the “Tai Sui” (Grand Duke Jupiter), which may bring various obstacles to their overall luck. Fortunately, being in one’s zodiac year also receives the blessing of auspicious stars, mitigating significant troubles.

In the professional realm, individuals born in the Year of the Dragon will encounter numerous opportunities for development. Those who have always been ambitious in their careers, as long as they showcase their talents, understand how to complement their weaknesses, continually innovate, and gain the appreciation and recognition of their superiors, will accumulate valuable experiences in their career development. Moreover, the interpersonal network is favorable this year, with harmonious relationships with colleagues and superiors in the workplace, contributing to the progress of one’s career.

However, despite smooth career development, financial fortune may face crises. Influenced by the Tai Sui and inauspicious stars, individuals born in the Year of the Dragon have a higher chance of financial losses, experiencing considerable economic pressure. As those born in the Year of the Dragon tend to be generous and less concerned with financial planning, the year’s unfavorable financial situation may lead to financial constraints. It is essential to be frugal to avoid financial difficulties.

Furthermore, health issues may pose significant challenges. There is a higher probability of accidents or injuries when going out or staying at home. Individuals born in the Year of the Dragon, especially those who act impulsively without considering the consequences, should take measures to prevent external harm and enhance safety awareness.

In terms of relationships, whether single or married, individuals born in the Year of the Dragon should be cautious about potential romantic entanglements and stay away from unwanted attention from the opposite sex. For married individuals, maintaining a polite distance with the opposite sex is crucial to avoid misunderstandings that could harm the relationship.

For those born in the Year of the Dragon facing the influence of the Tai Sui in 2024, it is advisable to register for this year’s Tai Sui and wear a Tai Sui talisman for personal protection.


2024 is the zodiac year for individuals born in the Year of the Dragon. Although the year of Tai Sui brings challenges, there is auspicious support in the career sector, leading to relatively stable overall development. In one’s zodiac year, the overall fortune may face constraints, and many individuals in the workplace may experience pressure. However, with the blessing of auspicious stars and the support of benefactors, there will be numerous opportunities in the career aspect.

Individuals born in the Year of the Dragon are known for their enthusiasm for work. They possess agile minds, quick wit, and a keen sense of intelligence. Whether completing individual tasks or collaborating within a team, they can leverage their abilities, contributing to significant progress in their careers. Nevertheless, during one’s zodiac year, various challenges may arise alongside opportunities. While there are chances for career advancement, careful preparation is essential to navigate through potential challenges.

In the face of workplace competition, individuals born in the Year of the Dragon should be well-prepared and cautious in their approach. During intense competition, it is crucial not to let one’s guard down to avoid being undermined by opportunistic individuals.

Financial Fortune

As individuals born in the Year of the Dragon enter their zodiac year in 2024, the development of financial fortune is not as smooth as their career, presenting a mix of joy and worry. Affected by inauspicious stars, the progress of financial fortune is challenging, with limited opportunities to earn money and unexpected expenses cropping up.

For those born in the Year of the Dragon who tend to spend liberally and lack a concept of managing income and expenses, the impact can be significant.

However, the silver lining is that career development remains stable in this year, providing many individuals with opportunities for promotion and salary increases. The income from regular employment is expected to be relatively steady. It is advisable for individuals born in the Year of the Dragon to approach their career development pragmatically in this year, diligently performing their assigned tasks and making every effort to earn every penny.

Additionally, it is crucial to learn the art of savings. Only by accumulating wealth during one’s zodiac year, building a substantial savings account, can one attain a greater sense of financial security. Overall, considering the interference of inauspicious stars during the zodiac year, financial fortune may not be ideal. To avoid the crisis of financial loss, it is essential to manage income and expenses sensibly.


As individuals born in the Year of the Dragon enter their zodiac year in 2024, the romantic prospects are not particularly smooth. This year is influenced by the Tai Sui and inauspicious stars, causing challenges in relationships for both single and coupled individuals born in the Year of the Dragon. Single individuals of this zodiac sign, due to past failed romantic experiences, may become less enthusiastic about relationships. Even if there are suitable potential partners around, they may not actively engage, letting potential good matches slip away.

For married individuals born in the Year of the Dragon, there will be significant disagreements and conflicts with their partners this year. Influenced by romantic entanglements, misunderstandings may arise due to interactions with individuals of the opposite sex, deepening the conflicts between partners. It is advisable for couples to strengthen communication and actively work towards resolving crises.


In 2024, individuals born in the Year of the Dragon will experience their zodiac year, and during this year, the health outlook naturally may not be stable. Affected by inauspicious stars and the Tai Sui, not only will their health be less robust, but they may also encounter various crises in daily life. It is imperative for those born in the Year of the Dragon to enhance safety measures to prevent accidents, exercising caution in every aspect of their lives.

During their zodiac year, individuals born in the Year of the Dragon should try to avoid risky places and minimize contact with hazardous items to prevent potential disasters. Particularly for those who drive, attention to road safety and adherence to traffic rules are crucial. Dragon individuals who are accustomed to driving in 2024 may consider register for Tai Sui and wear Tai Sui talisman . This not only serves as a reminder for cautious driving but also symbolizes a safe and prosperous year, offering protection and good fortune for their journeys.

Moreover, regarding health, older individuals born in the Year of the Dragon should not neglect self-care simply because they were healthy in their youth. It is essential to pay attention to health preservation, engage in regular exercise, and undergo periodic health check-ups to prevent potential health issues.

Luck-Boosting Talisman

For individuals born in the Year of the Dragon, having encountered the adverse effects of the Annual Deity “Tai Sui” along with the entrance of the “Illness Star,” the overall fortune is subdued, and a low-key approach is advised. It is recommended for those born in the Year of the Dragon to place a pair of protective amulets made of red jasper in the northeast direction to counteract the negative influences of the Illness Star and Tai Sui. Acting wisely and maintaining a gentle approach can help safeguard against potential harm. Carrying a talisman made of indigo crystal for added protection is also recommended.

Additionally, women born in the Year of the Dragon can wear orange stone, while men can wear obsidian to enhance personal energy. This is done to leverage the supportive influence of auspicious connections and mitigate the challenges associated with the Illness Star and Tai Sui.

Registration for Tai Sui protection