

Cultivating the Heart

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Most practitioners who like to chant sutras and mantras should have a similar experience, that is, doing a lot of cultivation homework will naturally produce a feeling of tranquility. For example, many people like to chant the Buddha’s name. After…

The Reactions of Our Heart

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A true heart is not influenced by external distractions, a heart free of distractions is a purified heart. To cultivate with a pure heart will bring tremendous benefits to yourself. An example is when chanting sutras and mantras. The merit…

Wesak (or Vesak)

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Wesak is an important time of the year for Buddhists, like Christmas is to Christian religions. At Christmas, Christians celebrate the birth of their lord and saviour, Jesus Christ.  At Wesak, Buddhists celebrate the birth, enlightenment and death (entry into…

Selflessness (無我) versus Selfishness

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Master Lin Zhi presented this topic after a cultivation practice last month.  I thought it applicable to everything that is going on in the world (current events).  I’ll be honest, it has been a difficult couple of years, because as a child of…

Jesus’ Bodhisattva Compassion

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On Christmas Day, Grandmaster (2021) had a very fun talk about Jesus – because that is when Christians celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Grandmaster was baptized a Christian before he was enlightened, and so has a great deal of respect for Christianity…

One of Five Precepts: No false speech

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Please note: this is an essay of my own understanding of this precept, and it may be interpreted differently by others. But as Buddhists, our intent matters just as much as our actions.  As a Buddhist, we all must follow…